Production Engineering
Production engineering includes the all processes in your products design, development, operation implementation, maintenance, and control. We engineer with extensive knowledge and understanding of your job requirements and each process involved in producing your product.
Essential to the success of any project is a well thought out plan. Before any work is completed our engineers put their expertise to work in planning each stage of the progression of your product through production.
In the planning process our engineers will define and allocate appropriate work-centres and select the best path for the product to go in order to complete it efficiently. We develop production SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to suit your specific requirements and these ensure your specifications are met. Our team of production engineers organise the tasks for each work-centre to operate efficiently with optimised flexibility in the production route. This is vital in achieving “Just-in-time” manufacturing. After receiving your product’s data files we run checks for any unusual or product-specific procedures that may be required. Once these have been determined we generate production instructions and write programs to enable our automatic robotic machines to accurately place components, flawlessly solder and optically inspect & record in-production data. Specific firmware functionality and test programs can also be written where necessary.
We take pride in our efficient assembly techniques as it translates into lower costs which enables us to pass these saving on to the customer. Quality Conformance (QC) checks are strategically employed throughout the production process. Production engineering planning for mechanical assembly follows the same format as electronic assembly.
Fixtures & Jigs
Fixtures are small aids that are used to hold a part in a fixed position so that work can be completed on it. A jig is a tool that is used to control the position and the movement of another tool. Often they are custom made specifically for the product being manufactured. The goal of using fixtures and jigs is to provide repeatability and precision in the manufacturing of your product.
Solder jigs can help secure components in place during the soldering process and alleviate the extra costs involved in soldering them by hand. We have various microprocessor programing and development tools available. We can assist in flashing of memory, downloading firmware, debugging of code and reprogramming of processors. Offering a broad range of product-testing, customised test-jigs can often test the entire functionality of a product in a single pass. However full-testing is not always required and can be substituted by simple testings for short-circuits, voltage levels and signal waveforms etc. Customer supplied production-aids and test-jigs are welcome.
SMD & Stencil
Every Surface Mount Devices (SMD) has a solder area or pad that allows it to be soldered to the PCB with solder paste and they can be produced in a myriad of shapes and sizes. Each area requires fixed amounts of solder-paste coordinated to its shape, size and the soldering the process used. This is achieved by the careful design of a SMD Stencil screen so as to apply the precise amount of solder to the component pad.
With years of experience in electronic manufacturing, we know which SMD components and their relative paste apertures are best suited to our manufacturing process. We adjust the component pad apertures in the production of your PCB Stencil. Once the apertures have been laser-cut into the stainless steel screen, the screen is electro-polished and mounted under tension into a frame best suited to our Automatic Paste Printing Machine. Clean and precise stencilling of the solder paste is paramount in the production of a sound solder connection. It is not uncommon to achieve 30,000 prints from a good quality stencil. SMD component placement co-ordinates are generated from the PCB CAD data and are manipulated to suit the various type of Pick and Place Machines use in the production of your product. Selective Soldering is the term used for soldering Through-Hole-Device (THD) component legs on the bottom side of the PCB in the presence of existing SMD components. A CAD Program is instrumental in the driving of a solder nozzle directly to the THD leg/pad co-ordinate and then performs the soldering of the leg-pad connection to a customised soldering profile.